Monday, September 17, 2007
Online Blogs and There Impact

I read "The Lonelygirl That Really Wasn't" by Virginia Heffernan and Tom Zeller Jr., and " Gay Teenager Stirs a Storm" by Alex Williams, and both articles were pretty boring. I remember when everyone was tuning in to Lonelygirl15 and I have to say that I was not one of them. I just didn't see what was so interesting about this girl or what the point was. Whether or not she's an actress really has no impact on my life.
"Gay Teenager Stirs a Storm" was alittle more interesting but not by much. This story is so common that it no longer requires an immense reaction which is very sad to say. Both of these articles show how people express themselves through the computer, and get help or feedback that they want or need. I also think these articles are alittle out of date because people do things like this all of the time. It's not anything new or unheard of. The digital revolution is moving on and these articles show how fast it is moving.
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I also read the "Gay Teenager Stirs a Storm" article and i found it interesting. But after i read your post and your last line about how it happens all the time, and that the articles are old because of the rate of the digital revolution, i couldn't agree with you more. Good short post.
Innocence lost so quickly. You are talking about articles that are just a couple of years old. What was new in 1995 is now commonplace. On the otherhand, I think you are just a bit quick to dismiss all of this as "boring." Is the goal here entertainment? Is there nothing to be learned from the experiences recounted here?
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