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Tuesday, November 28, 2006


The Internet: A New Tool for Terrorists

The article entitled, “Anti-terrorist measures 'threaten web freedom,’” revealed the security measures that government issued to limit a person’s ability to access information on the Internet. These security measures were implemented after the terrorist attack on
September 11, 2001.

“The campaign against terrorism and the resulting tightening of security has caused governments to [limit] the free flow of information on the web.” For example, countries like “china, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and Vietnam…have taken advantage of the international drive against terrorism to strengthen the police and loyal machinery they have installed to put the Internet under surveillance.” Some countries retain email records which turn “Internet service providers and telephone companies into “a potential arm of the police.”

Restrictions on freedoms are exactly the kinds of measures governments are taking. It seems that they are using September 11th as an excuse to monitor and restrict people from accessing information.

A good qustion.

How much cybersecurity do we really need after 9/11? Is our government using this tragic memory to confront a real threat that the public would not take seriously otherwise? Or is it better to trade a few civil liberties for some small measure of peace of mind?

The increase in surveillance is a reality that will remain a part of our lives for the rest of our lives long after al Queda ceases to be a significant danger.
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